Tuesday 23 July 2013

Increase Your Interview Skills And Public Speaking

1. Know Yourself

Most people dread the moment when their interviewer utters the words - “So, tell me about yourself.” But it’s actually the simplest question to navigate once you get down to the root of what’s being asked. "Tell me about yourself" really translates to: “What can you tell me about how your personality, interests, work habits and background will help you rock this position?”
Before you answer, rewind back to when you applied for the job -– the moment you decided that you and the position would be a solid match. Usually, the reasons that ran through your mind before you chose to apply are the answers the interviewer is looking for. Since you’re the most well-versed on the subject of you, this is your moment to paint the picture of what you bring to the table and why you’re the most dynamic and capable person for the job.

2. Bridge the Gap Between Confidence and Enthusiasm (Then Marry the Two)

How many times have you been confident in your ability to perform a task but not necessarily enthused about doing it (or vice versa)? Confidence speaks to the way you perceive you, while enthusiasm is more indicative of your feelings about something or someone other than yourself — in this case, the gig.
To make sure there’s a healthy balance between the two, draft a list of reasons you’re confident about your ability to perform the job, and pair each one with a reason why you’re enthusiastic about showing up. You should be able to clearly communicate these reasons during your interview.
Example: "In over 15 years as a graphic designer, I’ve mastered a number of software programs and techniques. Those skills have helped me contribute to some great work, but the best part of the experience, for me, is collaborating with a team to build something that clients can fall in love with."

3. Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Practice

The last thing you want to do in an interview is regurgitate your resume or Linkedin profile. Instead, take a look at how you described your role at previous jobs and practice how you might integrate these into an actual conversation. In other words: if your resume bullet points were complete sentences describing how your experience is relevant to the new job, what would they sound like?
To prepare like the pros, do a mock interview with a friend and video record your answers. Ask yourself, “Can I really see myself saying this?" to gauge the authenticity of your delivery.

4. Know When to Wrap It Up

Big audiences don’t like a Chatty Cathy -– and neither do busy interviewers. To avoid coming across as a rambler or bad listener, always be mindful of the length of your answers. Even if the interviewer doesn’t give you validation in the form of a nod, smile or laugh, don’t be afraid to simply stop talking once you’ve answered the question.
If you can effectively communicate a point in five words, don’t use 25. Trust that if they want to know more, they’ll ask.
Need a little practice on this? Do a search for the “most asked interview questions” relevant to the position you’re applying for, jot down the ones you struggle with and practice answering them. Open-ended questions sometimes require lengthier responses, but typically, you should be able to provide a thoughtful answer to most interview questions in under 60 seconds.

5. Be a Team Player

The letter "I" stands alone. Unless you’re applying for a position that requires you to work independently, the reality is that stellar results (no matter the industry) require team effort. Be sure to incorporate "we" language to show your ability to work well with others. This doesn’t mean refrain from sharing your individual responsibilities and accomplishments, but be clear about how those things benefitted your team.
When in doubt, stick to this equation: What my team does + How I do my part to make sure we get to the finish line = Victory
Of course, no two interviews are the same, but if you apply these tips, you’re guaranteed to boost your odds of getting a call back. Knock ‘em dead!

Friday 12 July 2013


Life isn’t easy at all, especially for teenagers. Teens pass trough different periods during their development, and these periods are determined by changes of mood, by a flow of conflicts (inner, social), but the most frequent are the family conflicts, called as well generation gap, that means also : the difference in the attitude, priorities, and views among generations. Thus, this generation gap has always been there but these days it has reached to an explosive stage, so as, the values and patterns of life have changed to a great extent. Likewise, today, everybody likes to live and behave in his own way, to be left by his own, to be free. This attitude has widened the generation gap. It is now destroying family life . The elders look after the children and make all sorts of sacrifices to bring them up. Naturally, they feel they have a right over them. As a result, they want their children to follow their instructions as they have certain expectations from them. But the children, when they grow up, want a complete freedom in their thoughts and actions and unfortunately their thoughts and actions are just opposite to those expected by the elders. They revolt when any kind of restrictions are imposed on them. Consequently, some families break up and everything may get ruined. At the same time, the complexities of life are rising every decade, and problems intensify mainly when parents forget how did they behave, what problems did they encounter and what feelings did they have when they were children, especially teenagers. For otherwise ,when the teens enter the stormy problem of generation gap , it comes out with greater intensity than ever. For them, at this age, their friends suddenly become important , and they try to ignore parents. On the contrary, there are parents that ignore teens because of work problems, or personal ones. And eventually, parents or teens get mad, because they suffer from lack of affection. This causes great anxiety to parents and the misunderstandings increase between the children and the parents. The technological advances play a great rule in enlarging the gap as the younger generations are quicker to accept and adopt these technologies , so that, they consider the elders of their families very old fashioned in their tastes, opinions and out looks toward life. On the other hand, the older people don’t like the modern values which they call the " internet" and "globalization" values. They consider the young generation shallow, lacking knowledge and moral depth. This difference can best be seen in the difference of interests and hobbies. To sum up, conflicts between generations will always exist, and the gap is getting bigger because of the modernization, because of the technology , and the appearance of new interests and values. The desire of freedom is developing every year, as a result, the problems and complexities of life intensifies also. There are parents that ignore their children and children that ignore their parents, and that leads to misunderstands and quarrels….Even if we can not make the generation gap disappear, we can reduce it’s depth by communication and going out on vacations together , watching movies or by evening family outings...
             As itss endless dicussion so to be continued...................................

Wednesday 10 July 2013


Most people think that Christopher Columbus was first to cross the
Atlantic, reaching America in 1492. However, Vikings made the crossing
500 years before Columbus, and some historians think other brave
sailors did, too. Most of these early contestants in the transatlantic
race sailed farther north than Columbus. The weather is colder and
stormier here, but the journey is shorter, and they could stop off
at islands, such as Iceland and Greenland on the way.

Kennewick Man                   
The bones of a man                                  
 who lived 9,000 years
ago were unearthed in
Kennewick, Washington,
on the banks of the
Columbia River. No one
knows where Kennewick
Man came from, but a
reconstruction of his face
revealed that he looked
more like modern-day
Europeans than Native
Americans. Was he the first
to cross the Atlantic Ocean?


Preliminary reports had the film tracking for a $60–$70 million debut in North America.The Lone Ranger has earned $51,736,805 in the United States and Canada, as of July 7, 2013, and $24,300,000 in other countries, as of July 7, 2013, for a worldwide total of $76,036,805.
After underperforming during its opening weekend, the film was characterized by numerous media sources as a box office flop with many observers comparing it unfavorably to John Carter, another big-budgeted Disney film that failed commercially the year before. The New York Times estimated that the film cost $375 million to produce and market, and would need to generate in an estimated $800 million worldwide to break even, after accounting for revenue splits with theater owners.[66] The Hollywood Reporter noted that the losses from the film could surpass $150 million, with Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures vice-president Dave Hollis calling these results "very disappointing".


Hey Guys there are some unknown features of vlc that reduces your memmory spent in c drive you can download youtube videos and concert vides using vlc refer bello for the same.

Convert Audio and Video formats

In VLC you can convert video and audio files from one format to another. Several different formats are supported like MP4, WMV, AVI, OGG, MP3 etc.
To access the converter:
* Go to Media –>Convert/Save.
* Load the file you want to convert using
the Add button and click Convert.
* Now choose the output format and
output file location.

 Download YouTube and other online videos

First grab the URL of the YouTube video page. Now click on Media –>Open Networkstream. Paste the URL and click Play. Once VLC starts streaming the video, click Tools –>Codec Information and at the bottom of the window you will see a Location box. Copy the URL and paste it on your browser’s address bar. The browser will now download the file which you can save it to your hard disk. Alternatively, you can record the video.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Google Is Even Mapping The Fictional World Of Harry Potter

Harry Potter Google Maps
Explore Harry Potter's Diagon Alley on Google Street View. 
Didn't get into Hogwarts when you turned 11? Don't worry. You can still visit the Wizarding World's main drag, Diagon Alley, from the comfort of your desk. Google added the set of Diagon Alley to Google Street View.
Diagon Alley is the main shopping district in the Harry Potter universe, where wizarding students from the book series go to buy schoolbooks, wands, candy, flying brooms and more. What you can see now on Google Maps is the Diagon Alley set from the eight "Harry Potter" films, housed at the Warner Bros. Studio in London. (After all, the real Diagon Alley only exists in J.K. Rowling's mind.)
harry potter google maps

harry potter google maps

It may not be as useful as the Marauder's Map, but Google Street View did an excellent job capturing a big piece of the film franchise's set.
To see Diagon Alley and much more Harry Potter paraphernalia in person, head out to London and take the Warner Bros. studio tour. There, you can also explore some of Hogwarts, including Dumbledore's office and the Great Hall, and check out some important props like Harry's broomstick, the Nimbus 2000. If you can't make it out to London, though, this is a good substitute for us muggles.


See For yourself choose any five of your FACEBOOK friends watch on their profile you will get political views portion having texts like "I don't give f**k" or something else pretty like this. The problem with the youth now is that he/she is involved pretty much in politics at class level or at college level or in a extended family, but he/she don't like to talk about politics which really affects their life very much. I am not saying about the students learning politics at college but leaving that part of students very few are interested what is going on in politics of  India, why Ishrat jahan is breaking news now, what's behind food security bill, and what's the thinking of govt. behind passing it through ordinance and of course what is the meaning of ordinance. so concluding we can say that if you are a part of society then stop saying " I hate the politics" be a part of politics and choose the leaders or party wisely. know the truths behind every decision and action of political parties. Hope this will motivate you towards the right thing.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Does Being a Bookworm helps your brain be young?????

New research suggests that reading books, writing and participating in brain-stimulating activities at any age may preserve memory.

For the study, 294 people were given tests that measured memory and thinking every year for about six years before their deaths at an average age of 89. They also answered a questionnaire about whether they read books, wrote and participated in other mentally stimulating activities during childhood, adolescence, middle age and at their current age.
After they died, their brains were examined at autopsy for evidence of the physical signs of dementia, such as lesions, brain plaques and tangles.
The research found that people who participated in mentally stimulating activities both early and late in life had a slower rate of decline in memory compared to those who did not participate in such activities across their lifetime, after adjusting for differing levels of plaques and tangles in the brain. Mental activity accounted for nearly 15 percent of the difference in decline beyond what is explained by plaques and tangles in the brain.
The study found that the rate of decline was reduced by 32 percent in people with frequent mental activity in late life, compared to people with average mental activity, while the rate of decline of those with infrequent activity was 48 percent faster than those with average activity.

Feel free to drop your questions in comments.

Thursday 4 July 2013


It is obvious that this question clicks in your mind as, Throughout human history government has been the source of great injustices and repression, not to mention being MASSIVE sources of ineffciency, so why indeed do we put up with them?
The answer is that the absence of government is a state called anarchy, and anarchy sucks worse than a bad government. This absence of government is not a state of freedom, but a state of oppression where one's oppressors are every other citizen. There are no property rights, no limits on crime except for the physical limits. If someone is strong enough (either individually or as a group) to take your property or life, or even take you into bondage and force you to work for them, then they can and often WILL do so.
In places where anarchy reigns, economies do not function because there is no incentive to work to produce anything since it will just be stolen from you as soon as you produce it. Anarchy thus causes rampnat poverty, though one can also say that rampant poverty weakens the government, thereby making anarchy more likely.
So we need some degree of government to prevent this state. A just and free government will only do as much governing as is necessary to create the Rule of Law, but few governments stop there. By their very nature they are power magnets and tend to attract ambitious people who wish to expand the power they wield.
Politics is the process of managing the government to decide what it should do and how it should do it. This is important because government is so powerful it can very easily be misused by those ambitious people I spoke of. It is the classic double-edged sword, necessary, yet dangerous to the wielder as well as the problem against which it is wielded