Wednesday 10 July 2013


Most people think that Christopher Columbus was first to cross the
Atlantic, reaching America in 1492. However, Vikings made the crossing
500 years before Columbus, and some historians think other brave
sailors did, too. Most of these early contestants in the transatlantic
race sailed farther north than Columbus. The weather is colder and
stormier here, but the journey is shorter, and they could stop off
at islands, such as Iceland and Greenland on the way.

Kennewick Man                   
The bones of a man                                  
 who lived 9,000 years
ago were unearthed in
Kennewick, Washington,
on the banks of the
Columbia River. No one
knows where Kennewick
Man came from, but a
reconstruction of his face
revealed that he looked
more like modern-day
Europeans than Native
Americans. Was he the first
to cross the Atlantic Ocean?

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